J’ai remarqué que la plupart d’entre vous aiment les histoires. Le PDG de Procter & Gamble nous a dit cela aussi dans sa conférence sur le leadership, que les gens aiment les histoires, c’est pour cela qu’on aime tant voir des films par exemple. J’ai donc décidé d’interviewer quelques personnes dont le profil me semble intéressant. Hier, vous avez pu découvrir l’interview d’un gestionnaire de patrimoine. Aujourd’hui, je vous donne la possibilité de lire un article de ma copine, sur le thème « voyage », « développement personnel : croyez en vos rêves ; quand on veut on peut ». Elle y raconte comment elle en est venue à quitter son pays pour étudier au Danemark, et comment sa volonté lui a permis de surmonter les problèmes et de réaliser ce qu’elle aime beaucoup: voyager. L’article est en anglais, si certains me le demandent je pourrais le traduire en Français. Bonne journée.
Salut tout le monde ! / Hi everyone!
My name is Agnieszka, I am from Poland and in march I am going to turn 23. I was born in Poland and lived there till my age of 20, when a big day came and I decided I have to change something in my life. Yes, it was the big day. Do you know this feeling when one day you woke up and you realize that you do not belong to this world, that it is not a life you want to live? Well, it happened to me. That day I woke up and started searching for something – I did not even know what I am searching for, maybe a job abroad, maybe something else. At one point I have found an advertisement named: “Study and work in Denmark”. I thought, it must be a destiny. I have contacted the agency which sends Polish student to Denmark. Few days later I had an appointment with a manager of this agency, during this meeting I took English test – I have to admit, I past that test with very, extremely low grate, but I promised them to improve my English skills by myself at home so, they accepted me 🙂
From the first day I came here I knew I did the right choice. It was difficult. I was completely alone, without my family and friends. My English sucked, I did not know even a one word in Danish. I was scared and during first few days I was crying every day. There was nobody here to take care about me. But I was very motivated and determined. I truly believed I will manage, I had to 🙂
I believe if we really want something we will get it. Within first four days, I found a cheap apartment close to city center and my school, three weeks later I got a job! It was amusing! My boring life become so exciting! I have to admit that many of my new classmates did not find a job during first 6-12 month of their staying here. I knew my parents will not be able to give me financial support, as they gave me all their savings, so I had to find a job very quickly.
Surprisingly for me, my teachers and classmates liked me from the beginning. I have spread my wings and started believe I can move the mountains!
In first four months I have improved my English a lot. Very often, during Skype conversations with my family or friends, I was speaking English to them and I had very big problem to recall polish words.
My biggest and the most secret dream was to go to France, at least for 1 day. Just for 24 hours. I did it. I have spent five months in France! It was the most wonderful 5 months in my life! I was an Erasmus – exchange student in ESC Dijon. Dijon- such a beautiful city. I had a chance to be with French people, eat French baguettes, drink French wines and improve my French language! During these 5 months, I have visited Paris 2 times . It was amusing! While I was standing under the Eiffel Tower, I felt like a Cinderella. Me, girl from a small village somewhere in Poland was actually there. All the things I have seen, I have tried, all the people I have met – all of this was like a dream!
I remember one of the conversation with my boss. It was 2-3 weeks before my trip to France. She asked if I am happy to go to France. And I said it has always been my big dream and something else… I told her that I have this feeling that there is something or somebody waiting for me… It was strange. I was in Denmark 1,5 year already and I did not date anyone there. I did not date anyone for last 3 years, but I had the feeling that it is going to be changed in Dijon. I came to Dijon at the beginning of January 2010 and you may believe or not, but two weeks later I met a wonderful French guy who made me the happiest in the world. We stayed together till the end of my Erasmus program. In May I had to come back to Denmark and I was very sad to leave Martin but we met again in June. Currently, he is studying in USA but we still stay in touch. We even met during Christmas break. He came to Poland and all my family and friends just loved him 🙂 I had a chance to visit his family in France as well – wonderful people!
We never know what time and destiny is going to bring us but let’s hope for the best!
There in France and here in Denmark I have made friendships that, I believe, will be lifetime, life lasting. The great thing is that meeting this people gives so much happiness, life joyfulness and pleasure. We all learn from each other. I can say I have met people from all of the world: Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America and even Australia J
I do not live in Poland for last 3 years. I became strong, independent, mature and more self confident. These are the qualities that I was always missing in my life. I always tried to catch it and I could not at any rate. I am not afraid to live and I have a huge appetite for life, my life!!!
If I can advice you something, I just say: travel, travel, travel !!!
Best regards to all of you 🙂
P.S Write me if you have any questions 🙂
Voici quelques photos, pour vous montrer la vie à Aalborg, l’école de commerce… mais aussi les photos de la ville d’Aalborg, pour vous permettre de voyager encore… Après l’article de Jérémy sur Copenhague, vous allez finir par bien connaître le pays…
Ecole de commerce à Aalborg
Coucher de soleil
Tall Ships Races 2010
Pont, Aalborg
L’une des rues les plus célèbres d’Aalborg- Virgin Anna Street (Jamfru Ane Gade)
Le taureau d’Aalborg
La fontaine
Le carnaval d’Aalborg n’existe que depuis 1983, mais attire déjà 15 000 participants à chaque édition. Il a lieu habituellement le dernier vendredi et samedi du mois de mai
13 réponses
Ta copine a eu une expérience incroyable, elle est parvenue à ce qu’elle souhaite faire avec sa volonté et c’est vraiment louable ! Merci d’avoir partagé cette expérience et ces jolies photos 🙂
PEL, merci beaucoup pour vorte message, c’est tres gentil.Je suis très heureux que quelqu’un lit mon article, c’est important pour moi J’espere je peux motiver les gens à l’auto-développement.
Je suis ravi vous aimez les photos
oui surtout qu’elle fait des boulots pas très facile comme des ménages. C’est pour cela que je lui ai demande l’article… Ravi que les photos te plaisent
PEL, merci beaucoup pour vorte message, c’est tres gentil.Je suis très heureux que quelqu’un lit mon article, c’est important pour moi 🙂 J’espere je peux motiver les gens à l’auto-développement.
Je suis ravi vous aimez les photos 🙂
Un bien bel article, qui me renforce encore plus dans mon envie de voyager à travers le monde, même si 3 ans sans revenir vivre en France, ça me manquerait je pense. Sinon je savais pas qu’Alborg avait accueilli la Tall Ships Race. On l’avait eu à Cherbourg en 2005, j’en garde un souvenir extraordinaire. Un monde hallucinant dans les rues, ça parlait toutes les langues, c’était la fête totale pendant plusieurs jours, bref c’était vraiment génial ! Je me rappelle qu’on s’était fait invité sur un bateau portugais et l’un des marins avait voulu « acheter » ma copine de l’époque contre une bouteille de Whisky 😀
C’est un événement à vivre absolument (même sans être passionné par la navigation) !
@ Agnieszka c’est gentil d’avoir laissé un commentaire 🙂
@ Jeremy: tu souhaite faire un tour du monde de 3 ans? Je ne connaissais pas cette course avant qu’elle m’en parle ca a l’air sympa…
PS: tu avais accepté l’offre pour le whisky? lol
Merci pour ton commentaire, Jérémy 🙂
Martin : Nan je rebondissais seulement sur ce que disait Agnieszka, par rapport au fait de ne pas vivre dans son pays pendant 3 ans. J’ai beau adorer voyager et vouloir partir vivre à l’étranger un jour ou l’autre, 3 ans sans remettre les pieds en France plus que quelques jours, ça me paraitrait bien long. Mais je changerai peut-être d’avis quand je serai pris dans le truc !
(et non, j’avais refusé l’offre, mais il avait pas l’air dégueu leur whisky 😀 )
Sinon j’ai une question purement pratique pour Agnieszka : comment tu as trouvé le job au Danemark ? Il parait que c’est très difficile pour les étrangers de trouver du boulot là-bas, surtout si on ne parle pas la langue. C’était quoi ?
(the same in english : How did you find your job in Denmark ? I heard that it’s very difficult for foreign people to get a job in Denmark if we don’t speak their own language. What job was it ?)
Jeremy, that is true, it is very difficult to find a good job in Denmark. Im was studing Finace and now International Business, but Im not working in this field. I have part time student job, at the hotel as a room cleaner. And this is already a lot, beacuse some of my friends cannot find even a job like this. I remember, when I came to Aalborg during 3 days I was going around the city to enter each restaurant and each hotel, I asked for a job and left my CV there. At the hotel that Im working now I had to call many many times to ask for a job, but it was worth it because finally i got it. Obviously, it is not the job of my dream but it helps me to survive here 🙂
I hope I have answered your question fully 🙂
@ Jeremy: OK. Au Maroc, un bédouin voulait « acheter » ma copilote contre 1 dromadaire. J’ai failli accepter…
Quand un connait des jeunes polonais/polonaises, on se rend compte a quel point ils sont teigneux et se donnent les moyens de réussir… ^^
– attention, ragot !-
On peut d’ailleurs lire entre les lignes que l’auteur de ce blog apprécie le caractère 😉
Que veux tu dire par regot, piotr?
par ragot… tu veux dire. Bah, c’était de l’humour, une boutade de ma part car ta situation avec la Polonaise est quelque proche de la mienne d’un certain pour de vue 😉
OK lol bah en tout cas elle est super sympa 🙂